Wolves: Behavior, Ecology and Conservation.
Wolves: Behavior, Ecology and Conservation
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Wolves: Behavior, Ecology and Conservation Télécharger Livres Gratuits
Wolves Behavior Ecology and Conservation L Diese Einkaufsfunktion wird weiterhin Artikel laden Um aus diesem Karussell zu navigieren benutzen Sie bitte Ihre ÜberschriftTastenkombination um zur nächsten oder vorherigen Überschrift zu navigieren Wolves Behavior Ecology and Conservation L The authors and editors of Wolves Behavior Ecology and Conservation have donated all royalties from this book to The International Wolf Center as a foundation for lasting research and ecologically sound wolf management in order to minimize conflict between wolves and humans and better the chances for wolf conservation worldwide Wolves Behavior Ecology and Conservation Mech Boitani Wolves is also extensively illustrated with black and white photos line drawings maps and fifty color plates Unrivalled in scope and comprehensiveness Wolves will become the definitive resource on these extraordinary animals for scientists and amateurs alike Wolves Behavior Ecology and Conservation Wolves is also extensively illustrated with black and white photos line drawings maps and fifty color plates Unrivalled in scope and comprehensiveness Wolves will become the definitive resource on these extraordinary animals for scientists and amateurs alike Wolves Behavior Ecology and Conservation L David Mech L David Mech is a senior research scientist with the US Geological Survey and an adjunct professor in the Department of Fisheries Wildlife and Conservation Biology and Department of Ecology Evolution and Behavior at the University of Minnesota Wolves Behavior Ecology and Conservation L David We use cookies to offer you a better experience personalize content tailor advertising provide social media features and better understand the use of our services Wolves Behavior Ecology and Conservation NHBS Individual chapters cover wolf social ecology behavior communication feeding habits and hunting techniques population dynamics physiology and pathology molecular genetics evolution and taxonomy interactions with nonhuman animals such as bears and coyotes reintroduction interactions with humans and conservation and recovery efforts Wolves Behavior Ecology and Conservation Journal of Wildlife Management Sign In View Cart Help Wolves Behavior Ecology and Conservation Google Books Wolves behavior ecology and conservation User Review Not Available Book Verdict In the late 1940s a group of gray wolves crossed a Lake Superior ice bridge to recolonize Isle Royal MI Wolves Behavior ecology and conservation USGS Wolves are some of the worlds most charismatic and controversial animals capturing the imaginations of their friends and foes alike Highly intelligent and adaptable they hunt and play together in closeknit packs sometimes roaming over hundreds of square miles in search of food
Wolves: Behavior, Ecology and Conservation Télécharger Livres Gratuits